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We scour the internet daily to bring you the latest news, top stories and expert advice for pet owners & tips! Here’s what Pet Lover’s are talking about! Be in the know! Share your favorite #TrendingPetTalk with your friends now!

Want to keep your pets healthy and safe. Here are 9 foods you should never let your pets eat.

A great list of fall time tips and Autumn activities to keep in mind over the next few months. You and your pets will be glad you did.

Moving evokes an array of emotions for everyone in the family particularly the pets. Be sure to check out this great tips on how to ease the process from your pets next time you have to move.

Tired of over paying for pet care. Use these 5 simple tips that will save you money.

Don't always take the bait when your dog uses the puppy dog eyes. A new study just released this summer raises the questions can dogs feel jealousy. Read the full article to find out the final verdict.

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